Ben Richardson is fading from the world. Beaten down by life, abandoned by his fickle wife and friends, he retreats to his old log cabin to await the inevitable...
Where he becomes the focus of the Fey folk. Ben is ripe to be plucked and turned into one of the Fey. His humanity will be purged, his character twisted beyond recognition. An emissary, Sev-Ho-Ser-Lochy, is sent through the fairy portal to bring the human to the land of the Fey.
But Sev-Ho-Ser-Lochy and Ben strike up an instant and unusual rapport. Ben is intrigued by the delightfully insane fairy he nicknames Holly, while Holly is intrigued by the big, sensitive, handsome lummox of a human.
Theirs is a forbidden relationship that will not be tolerated by the unforgiving and vicious Fey folk. They want Ben to become one of them and nothing will stand in their way. Not even their own emissary.
Can Holly and Ben escape the all-powerful, vindictive Fey? Can their relationship survive? Or are they both doomed?