Old Magick. New World.
In 2017, little remains of magick save scattered, beleaguered pockets of magickal community and scholarship - and a vast, but rapidly decaying, heritage. How can any of it survive the pace of modern life?
As an agent of the Society for Magickal Heritage, Cordelia "Ves" Vesper has an important job: to track down and rescue endangered magickal creatures, artefacts, books and spells wherever they are to be found. It's a duty that takes her the length and breadth of Britain, and frequently gets her into trouble. But somebody's got to keep magick alive in the modern world, and Ves is more than equal to the job.
Having rescued an immensely valuable book from a long-lost library, Jay's joy turns to dismay when it proves to be unusually... chatty, and possessed of a fine, filthy vocabulary besides. What manner of enchantment created such a strange and powerful book is a mystery to the Society, but Ves is determined to solve it.
She's not the only one. The organisation known as Ancestria Magicka might be brand new, but they can more than rival the Society in power - and they badly want the book. But why are they so interested in its long-dead creator? Up to her eyeballs in grave-robbers, necromancers and thieves, there's only one thing Ves can do: call in the Toil and Trouble department...