When Lokants get involved in our worlds, it always means trouble.
Oh, they are fine folk, no doubt about that. Powerful, intellectual, mysterious. Sometimes devastatingly attractive. But if they are not killing our citizens and reviving long-lost species from the dead, they're kidnapping people, blowing things up or trying to take over the world. It's always something with them.
This time it's kidnapping. Partial Lokants are going missing, and they are not coming back. It falls to me, Evastany, Lady Glostrum, to discover why. Well, who else can be depended upon to do it?
On top of which, there is a Master Lokantor with far too much interest in the realm of Orlind; the founding (and funding) of my new Lokant Heritage Training Bureau; and I still have my wedding to plan.
It is going to be a busy year.